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HIIT It Hard with BJ Gaddour’s Bodyweight Burners



[caption id="attachment_53128" align="alignnone" width="620"]HIIT It Hard with Bodyweight Burners from BJ Gaddour Photo: Bodyweight Burners with BJ Gaddour[/caption]

You don’t need a treadmill or elliptical machine to get a serious cardio workout. The only equipment this heart-pumping, calorie-torching routine requires: Your body (and maybe a little motivation to go hard!). Take it from Men’s Health fitness director, BJ Gaddour: “All you need is your own body to get in the best shape of your life.”

That’s why Gaddour developed the Bodyweight Burners program, now available at DailyBurn.com. The program helps you blast calories while building strength — all in 30 minutes or less. With a mix of HIIT sequences, core challenges and muscle-sculpting strength moves, you’ll be able to push your body to the max, without a major time commitment. The best part: You don’t even have to leave your living room.

TRY IT NOW: Men’s Health Bodyweight Burners with BJ Gaddour

For a taste of Gaddour’s secret sauce, check out how he remixes the most basic of moves: jumping jacks. They’re one of his favorite bodyweight-only exercises, because they also count as cardio. While you’ve probably warmed up with a set of these plyometric moves before, you haven’t done them like this. As Gaddour says, “start strong; finish stronger” and “set your metabolism ablaze.” We’ll sweat to that!

Bodyweight Burners: 5 HIIT-Style Jumping Jacks

Straight from his Bodyweight Burners program, here are five new twists to the classic move that turn the fat-burning up a notch…or five. Perform each variation for 20 seconds, working at your highest intensity. Then rest for 10 seconds before performing the next one. Repeat the entire sequence for two rounds — or better yet, four rounds — and you’ll get a you-versus-gravity aerobic workout like never before.

WANT MORE? Try BJ Gaddour's complete program here.

[caption id="attachment_53122" align="alignnone" width="620"]HIIT It Hard with Bodyweight Burners from BJ Gaddour GIF: Bodyweight Burners with BJ Gaddour[/caption]

1. Seal Jacks
This one is similar to a regular jumping jack, but quicker — and with more shoulder engagement. Start slow if you need too, then push yourself to the max. If you need a modification, eliminate the jump and step out to the side, one foot at a time. Then continue alternating.

How to: Start with your hands together in front of your torso and feet together (a). Keeping just a slight bend in your elbows and knees, jump your legs apart so they’re a little wider than hip width (b). At the same time, squeeze your shoulder blades together and bring your arms out to the sides and up to shoulder height. Make sure to engage your upper back (c). Return to start and repeat as quickly as possible.

RELATED: Daily Burn 365: New Workouts, 7 Days a Week

[caption id="attachment_53123" align="alignnone" width="620"]HIIT It Hard with Bodyweight Burners from BJ Gaddour GIF: Bodyweight Burners with BJ Gaddour[/caption]

2. Bent-Over Seal Jacks
A bent-over reverse fly with a plyometric twist. You’ll feel the burn in your back muscles, increase mobility in your hips and work your triceps. Be deliberate with your steps and stick each movement so you really feel the burn. Pro tip: You should not only pull your arms apart as you jump your feet wide, but push your arms back together when completing the jack, too. That way you work the front and back of your upper body.

How to: Start standing with feet together. Place hands together in front of you, arms straight (a). Bend forward at the waist, keeping your back flat. (Maintain that flat back throughout the entire exercise.) Bend your knees and elbows slightly (b). Jump your legs apart, a step or two wider than hip-width, as you bring your arms back and up to shoulder height (c). Return to start and repeat as quickly as possible.

[caption id="attachment_53124" align="alignnone" width="620"]HIIT It Hard with Bodyweight Burners from BJ Gaddour GIF: Bodyweight Burners with BJ Gaddour[/caption]

3. Cross-Body Jacks
Crossing your arms during this variation helps to stretch the upper back and chest. The lower body rotation also loosens up your hips. While performing the move, remember what Gaddour says: “Make like Peter Pan” and stay light on your feet, keeping your weight in your toes.

How to: Start with your feet wider than hips and arms straight out to the sides, raised between hip and shoulder height (a). Jump and cross your feet, one foot in front of the other. Simultaneously bring your arms together (still held between shoulder and hip height), so they cross at the elbows (b). Return to start, then jump again to bring your legs and arms together. This time cross the opposite arm on top and opposite foot in front (c). Repeat as fast as you can, switching the cross with each jump.

RELATED: 5 Mountain Climbers for Seriously Sculpted Abs

[caption id="attachment_53125" align="alignnone" width="620"]HIIT It Hard with Bodyweight Burners from BJ Gaddour Photo: Bodyweight Burners with BJ Gaddour[/caption]

4. Predator Jacks
This killer move mixes seal jacks with squat jumps. In other words, you’ll get seriously sweaty as you sculpt your legs. And don’t worry, it gets your upper body burning, too.

How to: Start with feet together and palms pressed together in front of your waist, elbows straight (a). Jump your feet wide and drop your hips down and back, so you’re in a low squat position. Your feet should be angled slightly outward so you can push your knees out to the sides and drop your butt as close to the ground as you can go. At the same time, bring your arms up and behind you, keeping them as straight as possible (b). Keep your chest up throughout the entire exercise. Return to the start and quickly repeat.

[caption id="attachment_53126" align="alignnone" width="620"]HIIT It Hard with Bodyweight Burners from BJ Gaddour GIF: Bodyweight Burners with BJ Gaddour[/caption]

5. Predator Split Jacks
Forget regular forward or backward lunges. These jacks build strength in your lower half, while turning up your heart rate for extra cardio and getting your arms, shoulders and back involved. If the original predator jack was difficult enough, stick to that.

How to: Start with feet and hands together, arms straight out in front of your waist (a). Jump one foot behind you and one in front, bending both knees to 90 degrees. (Make sure you pause and hit a lunge position.) As you move your legs, bring your arms up and behind you, keeping elbows straight (b). Return to start, then jump your legs apart again. This time switch your footing so the opposite leg is in front (c). Jump back to your starting position and repeat, alternating the lunge with each jump. Move as fast as you can without sacrificing form.

For more quick cardio workouts from BJ Gaddour, try his Bodyweight Burners workout program here.  

Note to reader: The content in this article relates to the core service offered by Daily Burn. In the interest of editorial disclosure and integrity, the reader should know that this site is owned and operated by Daily Burn. 

The post HIIT It Hard with BJ Gaddour’s Bodyweight Burners appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Get Strong and Lean With These 15-Minute Workouts


Get Fit and Strong With These 15-Minute Workouts

[caption id="attachment_53180" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Strong and Lean With These 15-Minute Workouts Photo: 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts[/caption]

If you’re missing breezy HIIT beach workouts now that summer is officially over, we have good news. While you can’t take the sun and sand with you, you can still bring the heat — to your living room, that is. In the Women’s Health 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts program, celebrity trainer Jen Widerstrom will fire up your fitness routine in more ways than one.

The three-workout series, now available on DailyBurn.com, includes a mix of bodyweight and dumbbell exercises, plus a whole lot of high-intensity intervals to build cardio endurance and strength. Yes, all in just 15 minutes flat.

Want a sneak peak at a few of our favorite moves from the program? These dynamic combination exercises will work your core, glutes, back and arms, so you stay on top of your game all year-long.

TRY IT: 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts

3 Total-Body Moves to Get Strong and Lean

Get a taste of the Women’s Health 15-Minute Back to Basics workout with these super-effective combo moves

[caption id="attachment_53176" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Strong and Lean With These 15-Minute Workouts GIF: 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts[/caption]

1. Single-Leg Renegade Row

This is the ultimate two-for-one move to challenge your balance and strength. From up above (your back, arms and core) to down below (your glutes and hamstrings), you’ll feel the burn — fast. Can you hold steady without skipping a beat?How to: Stand tall with your feet together, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Step your right leg behind you and hinge forward at the waist, keeping spine long (a). Pressing into your left heel, slowly raise your right leg off the ground behind you. Your left knee should have a slight bend to support you (b). Next, keeping elbows close to the body, draw the dumbbells up toward your ribcage, while maintaining balance (c). Lower them back down, keeping shoulders pulled back and lats engaged the whole time. Repeat for 8-12 reps, then switch legs (d).

RELATED: Get Fit in 10 With These Booty Toning Exercises

[caption id="attachment_53177" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Strong and Lean With These 15-Minute Workouts GIF: 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts[/caption]

2. Glute Bridge with Chest Press

If you thought plain old chest press was hard enough, try adding a lower-body challenge to the mix! This functional movement works your chest and arms, while giving your booty some TLC, too.
How to: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent, feet planted firmly on the floor, holding a dumbbell in each hand at your chest (a). Engaging your glutes and lower ab muscles, lift your butt, thighs and lower back off the floor into a bridge (b). At the same time, press the weights straight up above your chest until your arms are fully extended (c). Bring your butt back down to the floor as you lower your hands back to the starting position. Repeat for 8-12 reps (d).

RELATED: HIIT It Hard With BJ Gaddour’s Bodyweight Burners

[caption id="attachment_53178" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Strong and Lean With These 15-Minute Workouts GIF: 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts[/caption]

3. Reverse Mountain Climbers

Work all planes of motion in this dynamic twist on the standard plank. Thanks to the knee drives, you’ll be forced you to engage even more stabilizer muscles than usual to keep you steady. And depending on how fast your footwork is, you’ll also ramp up your heart rate, too.

How to: Sit on the floor or mat with your legs extended out in front of you and your palms planted directly below your shoulders. Arms should be straight, with a slight bend in the elbows (a). Engaging your triceps, core and glutes, lift your butt off the floor into a high reverse plank (b). Next, raise your right foot off the floor, bending your knee to bring it to chest height (c). With control, lower your right foot back down to the floor, along with your butt and legs (d). Repeat on the opposite side, and continue to alternate for 8 reps per side (e).

Want the complete 15-minute total-body workouts? Sign up for the Women’s Health 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts program here.

Note to reader: The content in this article relates to the core service offered by Daily Burn. In the interest of editorial disclosure and integrity, the reader should know that this site is owned and operated by Daily Burn. 

The post Get Strong and Lean With These 15-Minute Workouts appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

3 Exercises to Sculpt Your Entire Body


3 Exercises to Sculpt Your Entire Body

[caption id="attachment_53308" align="alignnone" width="620"]3 Strength Exercises That Sculpt Your Entire Body Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

If we could bust just one myth about exercise, it’s this: It takes hours a day to get stronger and more sculpted. In actuality, you can find success by cranking up the intensity on your workouts and choosing moves that work twice as hard for you. Take combination strength exercises, for instance, which don’t just work your arms or your legs, but a few major muscle groups at once. The result: You can cut your workout time in half, while still toning your entire body.

Jen Ator, fitness director of Women’s Health magazine, is all about using this technique to make your routine more efficient. As a recent guest on Daily Burn 365, she gave us a sneak peek of the Women’s Health 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts program, and showed us how to fuse a few moves together so you can streamline your next gym session.

Here, regular jumping jacks get the medicine ball treatment, renegade rows turn core scorcher and plain old tricep extensions now work your lower half. Say goodbye to the “I have no time to exercise” excuse. Say hello to a stronger you!

RELATED: Get Strong and Lean with These 15-Minute Workouts

3 Strength Exercises That Get More Done in Less Time

Perform these three combo moves for one minute each. Try to eliminate rest time in between to keep your heart pumping. Take a 60 second breather after the last move, then repeat the circuit as many times as you can.

1. Medicine Ball Jacks

Targets: Arms, shoulders, glutes and legs
The best way to ramp up your heart rate? Add a jump to make your exercise plyometric. Then pick up some weights. This move requires both, making your cardio and strength skills soar.
How to: Grab a medicine ball. Start with your feet together and arms straight overhead, holding the ball (a). Bring the ball to chest level, then push it straight out in front of you, as your jump your legs wider than hip-width apart (b). Return to start and repeat.

RELATED: Get Fit in 10 with These Booty-Toning Exercises

2. Rotating Renegade Row

Targets: Back, chest, core and arms
What do you get when you mix a push-up with renegade rows and a T raise? The ultimate way to sculpt your upper body and chisel your core.
How to: Grab a set of dumbbells and start in a push-up position, dumbbells directly beneath shoulders (a). Lower your chest as close to the ground as possible and press back up (b). With the right elbow tucked close to the body, row the right dumbbell up to chest level, then lower it back down (c). Row your right hand to chest level again. This time rotate your shoulders slightly left, bringing the dumbbell underneath your body, as you reach it just beyond your left hand (d). Bring your right arm back beneath you and rotate all the way to the right, as you straighten your elbow and form a T with your arms (e). Bring the dumbbell back to chest level, then return it to the floor (f). Repeat from the top.

RELATED: Can’t Do a Push-Up? Here’s Where to Start

3. Tricep Extension Squat

Targets: Triceps, legs, glutes and core
Tone every trouble zone with this move — from your arms to your thighs, plus everything in between.
How to: Grab a set of dumbbells in each hand, feet hip-width apart, arms by your sides (a). Push your hips back and squat down as low as you can go, as you swing your arms slightly behind your hips (b). Stand up straight, extending your arms overhead. Bring your hands together and bend your elbows, moving the dumbbells behind your head for a tricep extension (c). Bring your arms back overhead. Move them down by your sides as you squat back down. Repeat.

Want more time-saving moves that target your entire body? Try Daily Burn’s new Women’s Health 15-Minute Belly, Butt & Thighs Workouts program.

Note to reader: The content in this article relates to the core service offered by Daily Burn. In the interest of editorial disclosure and integrity, the reader should know that this site is owned and operated by Daily Burn. 

The post 3 Exercises to Sculpt Your Entire Body appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

The JACKED O’ Lantern Pumpkin Workout


The Jacked O' Lantern Pumpkin Workout

[caption id="attachment_53334" align="alignnone" width="620"]The Jacked O' Lantern Pumpkin Workout Photo: Twenty20[/caption]

It’s almost Halloween — that spooky time of year where sugary temptations close in all around us. If you’re planning a major cheat day on account of the holiday, it can’t hurt to get your sweat on before you hit the streets in search of sweets. (Did you know that the average American child collects between 3,500 to 7,000 calories worth of candy on Halloween night?) Our solution: A workout to help you get jacked with the help of your jack ‘o lantern! Before you carve your pumpkin, why not use it to carve some muscles?

We hit up DailyBurn 365 trainer Prince Brathwaite to demonstrate five fun exercises you can do with just a pumpkin. Perform one round of the circuit for a short and sweet workout, or complete three rounds for a 15-minute full-body blast. Ready? Your muscles are in for a real treat.

RELATED: What 100 Calories of Halloween Candy Looks Like

The Jacked O’ Lantern Pumpkin Workout

1. Pumpkin Pass-Through
Targets: Legs, glutes, shoulders
How to: Hold a small pumpkin in both hands and stand with your feet hip-width apart (a). Step your right foot out and lunge to the side, bringing your hips back and sinking into your right knee (b). Transfer the pumpkin in your left hand and pass it through your legs, grabbing it with your right hand (c). Holding the pumpkin in both hands, step your right foot back to center, engaging your glutes to stand back up (d). Once you’re standing back up, press the pumpkin overhead (e). Repeat this move for 30 seconds on each side.
Make it harder: Instead of placing your foot back on the ground after you step out of the lunge, keep it lifted and bent in front of you and try to balance on one leg.

RELATED: 3 Fat-Blasting HIIT Workouts to Try Now

2. Pumpkin Side Press
Targets: Back and shoulders
How to: Select two small pumpkins. Stand straight and hold the pumpkins, one in each hand, in front of your torso with your elbows bent (a). Keeping your elbows tight to your torso, rotate your forearms out to the side (b). Next, extend your arms out to the side (c). Now reverse the movements. Bend your elbows, then rotate your forearms inwards so you are back in the starting position (d). Repeat for 30 seconds.
Make it harder: Perform a reverse lunge before moving your arms.

3. Standing Pumpkin Chop
Targets: Obliques and legs
How to: Select a medium pumpkin and stand with your feet hip-width apart. With your arms straight, swing the pumpkin over your right shoulder as you rotate your torso to the right slightly and let your left hip rotate towards the right. Your left foot may pivot onto your toes (a). Next, pretend the pumpkin is an axe (scary, right?) and swing it downwards toward your left hip, rotating your left hip back to the original position (b). Repeat for 30 seconds, then perform on the other side.
Make it harder: For more intensity, ramp up your speed.

RELATED: Hate Crunches? 6 Better Core Exercises for Beginners

4. Squash Squat
Targets: Legs, core, arms, glutes
How to: Hold a large pumpkin in both hands. Squat down and place the pumpkin on the ground (a). Place both hands on the pumpkin and step back with the right leg (b). Step the right leg forward so you are back in the bottom of a squat. Grab the pumpkin securely with both hands, engage your glutes and stand up while swinging the pumpkin overhead, like a kettlebell swing (c). Next, squat down and repeat the movement with the other leg (d). Alternate sides for one minute.
Make it harder: Try stepping both feet out into a full plank when your hands are balanced on the pumpkin.

5. Pumpkin Spice Twist
Targets: Core
How to: Choose a medium pumpkin. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, holding the pumpkin in both hands at your chest (a). Engage your core and sit up, picking up the pumpkin and then tapping it to the right of your hips (b). Now twist to the left and tap the pumpkin to the left of your hips (c). Roll back down to the floor (d). Repeat for one minute.
Make it harder: Over-achievers, pick your feet off the floor to make this move extra challenging.

For more moves from Prince, head to DailyBurn.com/365 for new workouts every day. 

Originally published October 2015. Updated October 2016. 

The post The JACKED O’ Lantern Pumpkin Workout appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Get Sculpted Shoulders with These 5 Moves


Shoulder Exercises for Sculpted Shoulders

[caption id="attachment_53361" align="alignnone" width="620"]Shoulder Exercises for Sculpted Shoulders Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

When you hit the weight room in pursuit of strong, toned arms, bicep curls and tricep extensions might be your go-to moves. But there’s an equally important muscle group to add into the rotation: your shoulders.

“Shoulder strength and stability are integral to practically all arm movements, plus almost every chest and back movement,” says Cheri Paige Fogleman, a trainer on Daily Burn 365. “Having strong shoulders also ensures success when strengthening biceps, triceps, chest and back muscles.” Translation: Build sculpted shoulders and you’ll help strengthen your entire upper body as well.

Stronger shoulders will also make it easier to carry out daily tasks — from picking up your kids or groceries to reaching for a glass in the cabinet. But there’s a catch: You need to work your shoulders from multiple angles. While push-ups will do wonders for muscles in the front of the shoulder, Fogleman says, you shouldn’t stop there.

On your next arm day, skip the standard push-up and add these five new shoulder exercises to your line-up. They work every section of your shoulders — backside included (which people often miss) — so you get 360 degrees stronger.

RELATED: 7 Benefits of Strength Training That Go Beyond Buff Arms

5 Shoulder Exercises to Strengthen Your Upper Body

These bodyweight moves can easily incorporate dumbbells. Fogleman suggests doing higher reps if you’re skipping the weights. If you’re more advanced and going for increased resistance, Fogleman recommends starting will three-pound dumbbells. “The moves should be more challenging, but not suddenly impossible,” she says. Perform 10 to 12 reps of each, rest, then repeat this circuit once or twice for a full upper body burn.

[caption id="attachment_53354" align="alignnone" width="620"]Staggered Shoulder Press Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

1. Staggered Shoulder Press
By leaning forward in this move, you hit the tough-to-reach back of the shoulders, along with your core and back muscles. Just remember to avoid slouching and keep a neutral spine.
How to: From a standing position, step one foot behind you so you’re in a high lunge. Front knee should be bent about 45 degrees (a). Lean forward at the hips, keeping your back straight. Bring your arms up to shoulder height, bent at the elbows and palms facing in (b). Extend your arms overhead until they’re completely straight (c). Bend them back to shoulder height and repeat. Switch your footing halfway through or on the next round.

[caption id="attachment_53355" align="alignnone" width="620"]Plank with Renegade Row Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

2. Plank to Renegade Row
While shoulders are your main focus on this move, bonus points come from working your back and core, too. If you really want to fire up your midsection, keep your hips totally stable. Feeling unsteady? Step your legs wider apart or drop to your knees.
How to: Start in a high plank position with hands a little closer than shoulder-width apart. Draw the navel in toward the spine to support your abs and firm the glutes to take some pressure off your elbows and hips (a). Pull one hand upward (palm facing toward your body) so your hand reaches chest level. Return it back to the ground (b). Perform the same row movement with your other arm. Return it back to the ground (c). Continue alternating.

RELATED: 3 Common Plank Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)

[caption id="attachment_53356" align="alignnone" width="620"]Lateral Raise with Balance Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

3. Lateral Raise Balance
Squeeze your shoulder blades together as your lift your arm so you sculpt the back of the shoulder. You’ll also work the stabilizing muscles of the arm that’s holding you up, which gets even more intense when you lift your leg.
How to: Start on your hands and knees, with wrists directly under shoulders and knees in line with hips (a). Lift one arm directly out to the side and up to shoulder height, as you straighten and lift the opposite leg to hip height behind you (b). Lower your hand and foot back to the floor and repeat, then switch sides.

[caption id="attachment_53357" align="alignnone" width="620"]Side Plank T Raise Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

4. Side Plank T-Raise
Target both shoulders at once with this core-tightening move. Try not to sink down into the shoulder that’s holding you up and instead push the floor way with your elbow. Don’t let your hips drop, either.
How to: Start in forearm side plank position, feet stacked one on top of the other and your elbow directly in line with your shoulder. Your other hand should be lightly resting on the ground in front of you (a). Keep your top arm straight as you raise it up toward the ceiling, creating a T with your arms (b). Return it back to the floor and repeat, keeping your hips up and your body in a straight diagonal line the whole time (c). Repeat, then switch sides.

RELATED: No More Sit-Ups: 7 Moves to Work Your Abs

[caption id="attachment_53358" align="alignnone" width="620"]Inverted Push-Up Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

5. Inverted Push-Ups
Reach your booty up toward the ceiling for this next-level push-up. If you need to modify, place your hands on a chair, low coffee table or a bench.
How to: Start in a downward-facing dog (a). Bend your elbows so they point out to the sides as you lower the crown of your head (not your forehead) between your hands and as close to the floor as you can go (b). Exhale as you push yourself back up (c). Repeat.

For more unique moves that’ll spice up your gym routine, try Daily Burn 365. You’ll get a new, exciting workout every day.  

The post Get Sculpted Shoulders with These 5 Moves appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween-Themed Workout


Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween-Themed Workout

[caption id="attachment_53457" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween Workout Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

Halloween isn’t just about the cauldrons of candy, haunted houses and costume contests. It’s also about stretching out the cobwebs and pulling out a few surprises from your bag of tricks. And here at Daily Burn, that means trying a few new witchin’ good moves!

From the Grave Riser to the Monster Walk, these spellbinding exercises from DB365 trainer Erika Shannon will target and tone your arms, core, back, glutes and much more. Not to mention, this 15-minute workout can help you resist the urge to overindulge in Halloween treats and snacks during couch time. So grab a tricked out broom (or bat), jack up the Thriller music and give your muscles a real treat.

RELATED: The JACKED O’ Lantern Pumpkin Workout

5 Strength Moves for a Killer Halloween Workout

Perform each exercise for one minute. (For the Ghostbuster, that’s 30 seconds per leg.) Rest for 30 seconds and repeat for three rounds.

[caption id="attachment_53442" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween Workout GIF: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

1. Dancing Skeleton

If you’re not a fan of floor crunches, we have good news. This standing variation will work its magic on your core in a whole new way. “With the dancing skeleton, you’re working your obliques, but also adding the element of balance, which improves everyday function and stability,” Shannon says. This ab-tightening move also adds range of motion, and you can get your heart rate up by working in some speed. To maintain wicked posture, keep a slight bend in your supporting leg as you lift the other leg towards your elbow. You’ll also want to stay upright in the side crunch instead of leaning forward, Shannon says.

[caption id="attachment_53443" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween Workout GIF: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

2. Ghoul Mornings

This exercise is all about the unexpected slow burn, much like a ghoul eyeing its prey. Working your hips, trunk extensors, hamstrings, glutes, abs and back, the key to this lower-body blast is engaging your abdominals so your chest and back don’t drop. Shannon advises, “Transfer a little more weight into your heels, and imagine squeezing your shoulder blades together as you hinge forward.” But don’t mistake this move for a squat. “While it’s natural to transfer some weight into the heels as you descend, think more of keeping your abs engaged than sticking your butt out.”

Don’t be afraid to go at a slower pace in order to keep your back flat and chest lifted. Shannon says that having the broom over your shoulders and your body pressing on them helps you avoid hunching and rounding, which could eventually cause bigger posture issues.

[caption id="attachment_53444" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween-Themed Workout GIF: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

3. Ghostbuster

Give your glutes, abductors, adductors and quads a clean sweep with this challenging lateral lunge that tests your balance, hip mobility and flexibility. Remember to make sure your knee doesn’t move past your toes and to sit your hips back into the stretch once you lunge sideways. Shannon’s pro tip: “Step out wide into the lunge, toes pointing forward, and keep that back straight! Enjoy the feeling of swinging down to up — it’s fun!” Just don’t cheat yourself by using momentum. You’ll want to use your core and glutes on that upswing so do it slowly if you need to.

RELATED: 9 Spook-tacular Gluten-Free Halloween Recipes

[caption id="attachment_53445" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween Workout GIF: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

4. Monster Walk

Much like an overhead squat, the monster walk workouts out every major muscle group, including the deltoids, traps, triceps, core, glutes and quads. If you find yourself struggling with the broomstick overhead, Shannon says to try taking a wider arm position, especially if you have limited mobility in your shoulders. For your lower body, Shannon recommends, “Keep your weight in your heels, let your butt stick out a bit (without losing stability in your lower back), and think of your body moving all in one solid unit.”

[caption id="attachment_53446" align="alignnone" width="620"]Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween Workout GIF: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

5. Grave Riser

Who knew getting out of bed could turn into a workout? In this grave riser exercise, you’ll start by laying flat on your back with your hands on both ends of the broomstick in front of you and feet flexed. As you slowly raise your upper body off the ground, be sure to keep your legs straight and pinned to the floor. “Send energy through your heels to keep your feet actively flexed and tuck your chin to your chest as you come up,” Shannon says.

While your back doesn’t need to be perfectly straight in this exercise, especially on the way up and down, Shannon says you’ll need to engage your abdominals and back muscles to lift yourself from the floor and safely peel back down. “Try to feel your sit bones pressing down on the floor as you stretch your spine as tall as you can. No need to keep them there long, though, just enough to stretch tall, then repeat back down to your descent.”

For more moves from Erika, head to DailyBurn.com/365 to get new workouts every day (free for 30 days!).

The post Get Scary-Strong With This Halloween-Themed Workout appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast


15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast

[caption id="attachment_53558" align="alignnone" width="620"]15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

While it’s nice to show off perfectly toned arms and a chiseled core, you don’t want to skimp on working out your lower half. The lower body is home to some of your largest and most powerful muscles, including the glutes, quads and hamstrings. Not to mention, strengthening your body from the waist down can help improve your mobility and balance, and get you running faster — longer. True story: From deep squats to glute bridges, here are eight lower-body exercises from our Daily Burn 365 trainers that will give your bum a run for its money. Leg workout, won and done.

RELATED: 30 Reasons Women Should Strength Train

15-Minute Leg Workout to Try Now

Perform each move for one minute with no rest in between. At the end of the circuit, rest one minute, then repeat.

[caption id="attachment_53505" align="alignnone" width="620"]15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

1. Squat

If you’re a fan of HIIT group classes, squats are probably part of your exercise routine. These bodyweight burners may seem simple, but in just a few seconds, your lower body will start to feel the push and pull in your muscles, as your heart rate ramps up, too. Throughout the move, be sure to sit back into your heels and keep a tall spine with your chest up.
Amp it up: If the basic bodyweight move feels easy-breezy, add more reps, depth or weight (dumbbells will do the trick) to make it more challenging.

RELATED: 7 Easy Ways to Improve Your Squat

[caption id="attachment_53506" align="alignnone" width="620"]15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

2. Lateral Lunge

In addition to working every lower-body muscle in the book, lunges test your balance and range of motion. Make ‘em lateral, and you’ll improve your hip mobility and flexibility, while firing up your inner and outer thighs, hamstrings and core muscles, too. Pro tip: Make sure your knee doesn’t move past your toes, and think about sitting your hips back into the stretch.
Amp it up: Add depth to your lateral lunge by squatting lower to bring your hand to touch your opposite foot. Make them rotational: Carry a sandbag or medicine ball with your hands and twist your torso to the side as you sink into the lateral lunge.

[caption id="attachment_53507" align="alignnone" width="620"]15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

3. Beast

Talk about a quad and core burner! This moving plank exercise works your butt, legs, hips, core, as well as your shoulders and triceps. These ab-chiseling crawls will also get your heart rate up and help you burn some serious calories. As you place your right hand forward, simultaneously step your left foot forward, then place your left hand forward with your right foot. The key: keeping a flat back, square hips and knees hovering only a few inches off the ground.
Amp it up: Alternate moving forwards a few steps, then backwards. Coordination, for the win!

RELATED: Get Strong and Lean With These 15-Minute Workouts

[caption id="attachment_53508" align="alignnone" width="620"]15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

4. Deep Squat With Heel Raise

You don’t need to be a yogi to benefit from this quad-burning pose. A combination of chair pose and Garland pose (Malasana), this one’s also known as a yogi’s squat. It gets you low, working your quads, hamstrings, glutes, as well as your back and shoulders. The added heel raise will fire your calf muscles, not to mention test your balance. While you’re in that deep squat, make sure your butt doesn’t sink lower than your knees. Also keep your shoulders relaxed and neck long as you reach your fingertips forward. (Don’t forget to breathe!)
Amp it up: Alternate feet with heel raises to challenge your stabilization skills. Or, get the upper body involved, hold a light dumbbell in each hand and pulse up and down as you’re doing the heel raises.

[caption id="attachment_53509" align="alignnone" width="620"]15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

5. Skaters

Time for a mid-circuit cardio blast! Skaters are a great plyometric exercise that both tones and stretches. You’ll bound side to side like (you guessed it) a speed skater to get your heart rate up, while torching your quads, glutes and calves. Ankle stabilization is another benefit (runners, we’re looking at you!). Be sure to keep your butt back and your chest tall, and land with control. Here, Women’s Health fitness director Jen Ator is pumping her arms for power and a full-body burn.
Amp it up: To get your heart rate up even more, add more height and distance between each jump. You can also carry light dumbbells in each hand or hold onto a medicine ball. For a low-impact option, take out the jumps and step out wide instead, touching your toe with your opposite hand at a fast pace.

[caption id="attachment_53510" align="alignnone" width="620"]15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn[/caption]

6. Leg Raise

Despite lying on your side, it’s not time to chill out and rest. This leg lift works out smaller muscles in your lower body that you might not otherwise target, including the inner and outer thighs, abdominals and hip flexors. To get the most out of the move, slowly raise your leg about six inches from the ground, keeping both legs straight, heels flexed and core engaged. (If you’re clenching the floor for balance that means those abs aren’t working hard enough!)

Amp it up: Add small pulses at the top for 8-10 reps before bringing your leg back down. For a greater range of motion, lift your top leg so your heels are parallel to the ceiling and bring it back down, hovering over your bottom leg.

RELATED: Lower Body Blast: 5 Moves for Your Butt, Hips and Thighs

[caption id="attachment_53511" align="alignnone" width="620"]15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

7. Reverse Table Top Crunch

This variation of the glute bridge puts a premium on range of motion, mobility, flexibility and balance. For the complete booty benefits, make sure to keep your hips lifted throughout the entire exercise. Lifting your hips will engage all three muscles in your glutes: the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. The gluteus maximus controls hip extension, while the medius and minimus help stabilize the body.
Amp it up: Add a tricep dip in between switching legs to give these hard-to-target muscles some TLC. Or make your glutes work extra hard by placing your feet on an exercise step or plyo box. The incline between your lower and upper body will make the crunch deeper and more challenging.

For more creative leg workouts to change up your workout routine, try Daily Burn 365. You’ll get a new workout every day. Get a 30-day free trial today! 

The post 15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

8 Push-Up Variations for Every Fitness Level


8 Push-Up Variations for Every Fitness Level

When it comes to bodyweight workouts, there’s no exercise that compares to the push-up. Although push-ups are meant to mainly build strength in your chest, shoulders and triceps, people often forget that it’s a total-body exercise and involves your core and glutes, too.

But not everyone can drop their chest to the ground and lift their entire body into a plank right away. That’s why Jenna Wolfe, a recent guest on Daily Burn 365 and author of Thinner in 30: Small Changes That Add Up to Big Weight Loss In Just 30 Days, broke down eight variations of the exercise for us. From core-building bench push-ups to the agility-enhancing Spider Man (yup, wall crawls), these intense strength moves will get your strength and your heart rate up.

PS: We’re doing a Push-Up Challenge all November long! Share your favorite variations and update us on your progress. How many reps can you do today? Whether it's 10 or one, do it! Show us how you're doing on social media by posting pictures, videos, memes or stories using the hashtag #30daysofpushups and #DB365.

RELATED: THIS Is How to Do the Perfect Push-Up (Even on Your Knees)

8 Push-Up Variations for Full-Body Strength

1. Wall Push-Up

This variation is perfect for beginners because it builds the foundation for perfect form. To get the most out of this move, keep your back straight and engage your core as you push off of the wall. Keep in mind: the further you move your feet away from the wall, the harder you’ll work.

2. Bench Push-Up

The incline from the bench provides your upper body with more support, so your bodyweight is more evenly distributed. The lower the bench is to the floor, the harder the exercise will be. If you don’t have access to a bench, you can use stairs, an exercise step or a stack of newspapers. As for form: Place your hands shoulder-width apart, engage your core and keep your body in a straight line throughout the entire movement.

3. Knee Push-Up

Lowering the knees can be an effective variation, especially if your hips are prone to arching or sagging (they should be lifted). The key with this modification is to keep your arms straight and your shoulders above your wrists. Your knees should be on the ground with your legs together and feet in the air.

RELATED: Hate Push-Ups? You’ll Want to Try THIS Variation

4. Toes to Knee Push-Up

For this one, you finish on your knees instead of your toes in a plank to give your upper body some support. But the transition doesn’t give you license to sink the rest of your body! Engage your shoulder muscles, core and glutes to keep your upper body and hips lifted.

5. Toe Push-Up

Master this one, and you’re in great shape (seriously!). In this classic push-up, slowly bend your elbows as you lower your body towards the floor without touching it. Keep your shoulders above your wrists, and your body in a straight line.

6. Spider Man Push-Up

OK, now things are getting interesting. A true test of balance and strength, you’ll feel like a superhero after a few reps of these push-ups. Remember to keep your core tight and hips square as you bring each knee to elbow. Elbows can have a slight bend as you bring your knee to touch them, allowing for a little more of that Spidey range of motion.

RELATED: 5 Advanced Push-Up Exercises to Try Now

7. Clap Push-Up

This explosive exercise adds a crazy dose of cardio and power to the mix. As you lift your body off of the ground, clap both hands together and then lower your body to the floor again. While your body is off the ground, make sure to keep your toes tucked hip-width apart and maintain alignment with your body. Your hips shouldn’t be sagging.

8. Superman Push-Up

The ultimate plyometric push-up, this exercise involves pushing your whole body off the ground at the top of the normal push-up, adding momentum to your fingertips and toes, too. Set yourself up by lying down on your stomach with your elbows bent at your sides and your hands flat on the ground shoulder-width apart; your toes should be tucked in. Engage your core muscles to push yourself off the ground. To help you transition to this variation, do a few half superman push-ups with your toes on the floor.

Want to learn more full-body strength workouts? Sign up for Daily Burn 365 and get a 30-day free trial today!

The post 8 Push-Up Variations for Every Fitness Level appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

3 Plyometric Moves That Turn Up the Burn


3 Plyometric Exercises that Turn Up the Burn

[caption id="attachment_53654" align="alignnone" width="620"]3 Plyometric Exercises That Turn Up the Burn Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

We all have days when fitting in a workout seems nearly impossible, let alone making time for strength and cardio. Thank goodness, then, for plyometrics — aka explosive exercises that maximize both your strength and aerobic gains in one move. All you need is a few minutes (we’re talking five to 10!) to get a jump on crushing calories and getting strong.

Someone who has mastered the metabolic burn of plyometrics: BJ Gaddour, Men’s Health fitness director and creator of our new Bodyweight Burners program. He turns the energy up to full blast for these three highly effective exercises, which he demonstrated as a recent guest on Daily Burn 365. (Seriously, watch the video to get pumped by osmosis.) The moves are definitely intense, but putting in the work will pay off in leaps and bounds.

TRY IT NOW: Men’s Health Bodyweight Burners with BJ Gaddour

3 Plyometric Exercises to Turn Up the Heat

Perform these three moves for 30 seconds each. Take a 10- to 15-second break in between each exercise (longer if you need it). Then repeat the sequence for as many rounds as you can, without sacrificing form. You’re in for some super sweaty fun!

1. Rotational Spider Jump

Stability, endurance, power and strength — you’ll gain all of these in just one move. Start slow, then work your way up to speedier jumps.
How to: Start standing with feet hip-width apart. Push your hips back and descend into a shallow squat, placing your right fingertips on the ground (or as close to it as possible) and bringing your left hand back behind your hips (a). Push off your toes, jump up and do a 180-degree turn toward your right, as you raise both arms overhead for more momentum (b). Land softly back on your heels in a squat, this time reaching down with your left hand (c). Explode off the ground again and do a 180-degree turn toward your left side. Repeat, alternating the turn of your jump each time.

RELATED: 15-Minute Leg Workout to Tone Up Fast

2. Spider Climber

Mountain climbers get an upgrade with this variation, which engages your core and triceps even more. Move your feet as fast as you can, but make sure to keep a straight line from head to toe.
How to: Start in a high plank position. Lower half way down, so elbows are bent 90 degrees. (Your elbows should point backward, like you’re about to perform a tricep push-up.) (a). Push off your right toe and drive your right knee to the outside of your right elbow (b). Return to the start position, then push of your left toe, driving your left knee to the outside of your left elbow (c). Continue quickly driving your feet forward and backward, while remaining in a tricep push-up position.

RELATED: Hate Sit-Ups? Try the 5-Minute Plank Challenge

3. Donkey Kick-Through

The ultimate total-body exercise. This one works your arms, legs and whittles your middle. Push your limits, but don’t be afraid to stop for a breather if you need it. You’ll definitely be breathing heavy!
How to: Start on your hands and knees, wrists in line with shoulders and knees in line with hips. Lift your knees a few inches off the floor, keeping your back flat (a). Swing your right foot under your body and straighten it out to the left side, as you pivot your left foot so it’s flat on the ground, toes facing left. At the same time, shift your upper body to the right and pick up your left hand. Your right arm stays on the ground as a stabilizer (b). Return to the starting position. Then perform the same movement with your left leg, turning your upper body to the right (c). Return to start again. Then push off both toes, pike your hips up so your heels almost touch your backside, then kick them out and straight into the air (d). Return to the starting position, then repeat from the top.

For other plyometric exercises that get more done in less time, try BJ Gaddour’s Bodyweight Burners program here.

Note to reader: The content in this article relates to the core service offered by Daily Burn. In the interest of editorial disclosure and integrity, the reader should know that this site is owned and operated by Daily Burn. 

The post 3 Plyometric Moves That Turn Up the Burn appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

5 Glute Bridges You Can Do in Front of Your TV


5 Glute Bridges You Can Do in Front of Your TV

[caption id="attachment_53801" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Glute Bridges You Can in Front of Your TV Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

These days, looking fit isn’t just about having sculpted abs and arms. It’s about performance, too. And while there’s no quick fix for athleticism, the booty is a good place to start. Your glutes, aka the biggest muscle group in your body, are responsible for everything from scaling stairs and running marathons to preventing injury and improving stability. So how do you work ‘em? Squats, lunges and leg raises are great booty burners, but glute bridges are prime exercises for your butt because they target your all three muscles that make up your glutes (gluteus maximus, medius and minimus) and the hamstrings.

Basic glute bridges involve raising your butt and hips a few inches off the floor while your shoulders stay grounded. Some variations will have your heels raised, other involve lifting your entire leg off of the floor at 45 degrees. But the key is to reach full extension (creating a diagonal line from your shoulders to your knees), so it’s important to nail down proper form before you get creative adding more on. Here, our top Daily Burn 365 trainers show us six ways to get lifted with the glute bridge.

RELATED: 6 Butt Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing

5 Glute Bridges to Strengthen Your Backside

[caption id="attachment_53792" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Glute Bridges You Can Do in Front of Your TV GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

1. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

This variation may look simple, but these small pulses are big gains for a sculpted booty. It makes your glutes work extra hard to maintain balance, extend your hips and stabilize your body. If you’re having trouble getting your leg perpendicular to the floor, keep it at 45 degrees with both knees touching.
How to: Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Make a “T” with your arms on the floor with your palms facing down (a). Lift your left leg up to make a right angle (90 degrees) with the floor, and raise your hips and butt off of the floor. Your right knee will remain bent (b). Press your right heel into the floor and pulse up and down with your left leg, without dropping your hips and butt. Be sure to flex your left foot and press out through your right heel (c). Engage your arms on the floor to maintain a stable spine, and keep your eyes on the ceiling (d). Continue pulsing for 30 seconds before switching sides.

[caption id="attachment_53793" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Glute Bridges You Can Do in Front of Your TV GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

2. Bridge Pulse

Go slow to make the most out of this exercise. In addition to strengthening your glutes and core, this exercise isolates the muscles that make up your pelvic floor.
How to: Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor a few inches away from your butt (a). Press into a bridge, raising your hip and butt off of the floor, creating a diagonal line from your shoulders to your knees (b). Then, lower your butt halfway to the floor (c). Gradually pulse your butt up three counts before pressing up to a full bridge (d). Bring your hips back down halfway to the floor and repeat for 30 seconds.

RELATED: Lower Body Blast: 5 Moves for Your Butt, Hips and Thighs

[caption id="attachment_53794" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Glute Bridges You Can Do in Front of Your TV GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

3. Marching Glute Bridge

Working out individual sides of the body helps you isolate muscles, identify imbalances and make them stronger. Your obliques also get some TLC in this exercise, which are essential to spine stability and rotational power.
How to: Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hands can be at your sides with your palms facing down or above your head (a). Press into a bridge, lifting your hips and butt off of the floor (b). Keeping your left knee bent, lift your left foot off of the floor until your left knee is above your left hip. Your left foot should be flexed as your right foot presses into the floor for stability (c). Bring your left foot back to the ground and repeat with your right leg. Be sure to keep your hips lifted the entire time. (d) Continue for 30 seconds.

[caption id="attachment_53795" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Glute Bridges You Can Do in Front of Your TV GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

4. Glute Bridge With Arms Overhead

This multi-tasking move promises a full-body burn plus a stability challenge all in one. Pumping your arms will keep your upper half engaged, while also creating momentum for your lower body.
How to: Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor a few inches away from your butt. Bring your arms straight behind you with your palms facing the ceiling. This is the starting position (a). Lower your arms to touch the floor, as you simultaneously press up into a bridge, lifting your hips and butt off of the floor (b). Return the starting position, and repeat for 30 seconds (c).

RELATED: 5 Better Ways to Sculpt a Stronger Butt

[caption id="attachment_53796" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Glute Bridges You Can Do in Front of Your TV GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

5. Bridge Tap Hollow Hold

This Pilates-inspired move is similar to the 100. While the 100s is known as a core exercise, your inner thighs and quads also get a workout as you squeeze your legs together. This exercise is also a great opportunity to practice proper breathing.
How to: Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor a few inches away from your butt. Your arms should be at your sides with you palms on the floor (a). Press up into a bridge, lifting your hips and your butt off of the floor (b). Lower your hips back down to the floor (c). Crunch up into a 100, raising your legs about 45 degrees off the floor and lifting your arms, head and shoulders off the ground. Bring your arms forward as if you’re trying to touch your feet (d). Relax and lower your arms and legs back down to the floor (e). Repeat for 30 seconds.

For more booty-blasting exercises, try Daily Burn 365. You’ll get a new workout every day. Get a 30-day free trial today! 

The post 5 Glute Bridges You Can Do in Front of Your TV appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

From Sedentary to Hiking Yosemite: How I Got Fit with Daily Burn


From Sedentary to Hiking Yosemite: How I Got Fit with DailyBurn

[caption id="attachment_43984" align="alignnone" width="620"]From Sedentary to Hiking Yosemite: How I Got Fit with DailyBurn Photo: Daily Burn[/caption]

Kristen Bloom is an optimist. So when she started to gain weight after taking her first desk job in her early 20s, she didn’t let it bother her too much. “I’d get on the scale and be like, ‘Oh 20 pounds heavier? It will come off, it’s fine,’” Bloom, now 38, says.

RELATED: My Wedding Photos Were My Weight Loss Wake Up Call

When Bloom was 32 years old, she spent a week in the hospital following surgery to treat appendicitis. It was there, at 5’1” and 204 pounds, where she experienced a wake-up call. “I said, ‘OK, this is such a miserable experience. Even though [appendicitis] isn’t a weight-related issue, someday there will be one,’” she says.

While she recovered, she started to research ways to get healthier. “The first change I made was I started walking every day,” Bloom says. She dedicated half of her hour-long lunch break to walking, five days a week. “I remember that first 30-minute walk, my calves were burning, I was breathing heavy and I was sweating like crazy.” But she stuck with it for a whole month, and “after 30 days it was like, ‘I can do this,’” she says.

RELATED: How This Man Lost 100 Pounds, One Small Change at a Time

Growing Up on Pop Tarts and Casseroles

“To me, weightlifting was something only movie stars and bodybuilders did.”

Fueled by her more active lifestyle, Bloom decided it was time to tackle her (admittedly) terrible eating habits. “My mother was a heavy person and so I never learned healthy eating,” she recalls. “Dinner would be a cheesy casserole and for breakfast, Pop Tarts. I grew up with an overabundance of food for dinner, and a skimpy or crappy breakfast.”

RELATED: DailyBurn True Beginner: Starting Over with Fitness

Gradually, Bloom started reducing her calorie intake and coming up with a set of eating guidelines. One rule that worked: Never buying ‘trigger foods’ she knows she’ll overeat (like chocolate covered pretzels). “Or, if people bring snacks into work, I won’t eat it unless it’s homemade,” she says. She got her portion sizes under control by measuring her food diligently, and tries to order off the appetizer menu at restaurants. Slowly but surely, over the course of three years, Bloom lost about 40 pounds. “I wasn’t gung-ho on losing weight, I was gung-ho on getting healthy,” she says.

RELATED: 6 Weight Loss Success Stories to Motivate You Right Now

From Walking to Weight Training

In 2014, Bloom decided to step up her workouts and put her newfound energy to the test. “That’s the point where I found Daily Burn,” Bloom says.

"I was not a gym person at all. I was too shy and self-conscious to go into a gym to even look around." At-home workouts seemed more doable. And her husband, Daniel, was on board, too. "We knew we weren't going to get in the car to drive to the gym. What we did know was that we could take 30 to 45 minutes and go in front of the TV to do a workout," he says.

“By the time I finished that first half-hour, there was sweat pouring off of me and I was grinning from ear to ear,” she recalls.

Bloom completed the entire three-month Cardio Sculpt program, before switching to Intelliburn. “While I’m exercising, I’m telling myself, ‘You can do that, you’re strong, you’re fast, you’re amazing,’ and then my body will follow,” Bloom says. Though she’d been walking for cardio, she noticed a huge improvement in her endurance after starting Daily Burn workouts.

RELATED: The Easiest 5K and 10K Training Plan Ever (Walking, Allowed)

Eventually, she started doing the strength-based Live to Fail program, to start building more muscle, too. “To me, weightlifting was something only movie stars and bodybuilders did,” she says. “Then, when I switched to LTF, I could actually see definition in my muscles and changes in flexibility. It was huge,” she says. Within a year of starting Daily Burn, Bloom lost another 26 pounds. By October 2015, she weighed 138, and hoped to lose another six pounds before hitting her goal weight. Today, she is proud to say she has done just that, losing a total of 74 pounds in a year and a half.

Bloom is still powering through her workouts, crushing 5Ks, and spent a recent vacation hiking in Yosemite National Park. “Before, I’d go to work and sit and type, then sit some more at dinner or at the computer or TV all evening. I know that I wasn’t living a very exciting life,” Bloom says. “Now I feel I am and want to see how much further I can go.”

Sure, you will always have doubts, she says. "But you will always surprise yourself. Just keep pushing."

To learn more about Daily Burn or to try a free 30-day trial yourself, click here.

Originally published October 7, 2015. Updated November 12, 2016. 

Note to reader: The content in this article relates to the core service offered by Daily Burn. In the interest of editorial disclosure and integrity, the reader should know that this site is owned and operated by Daily Burn. Daily Burn users who worked out for 30 minutes or more at least five times a week for 60 to 90 days reported an average weight loss of about one pound per week. For those seeking to lose weight, keep in mind that extreme weight loss can be harmful to your health if done improperly or too suddenly. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise or weight loss program.

The post From Sedentary to Hiking Yosemite: How I Got Fit with Daily Burn appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

The 5-Minute, No-Equipment Back Workout


The 5-Minute Back Workout You Can Do Without Weights

[caption id="attachment_53982" align="alignnone" width="620"]5-Minute No-Equipment Back Workout Photo: Pond5[/caption]

These exercises come from Daily Burn 365 trainers Krystal Dwyer and Prince Brathwaite. To catch more complete workouts, head to DailyBurn.com/365.

Bathing suit season may have come and gone, but that doesn’t mean it’s OK to slack on working your back. Even though you can’t to see your posterior when you look in the mirror, you rely on this pillar of strength each and every day.

Aside from helping you perform everyday movements, challenging your back and core can also train your upper body to stand and sit straighter. (Goodbye, desk hunch!) A stronger back, shoulders and core will make better posture a no-brainer, and studies show that standing tall is linked to more confidence, energy and productivity. Guess we should have been listening to our mothers after all!

RELATED: Get Sculpted Shoulders With These 5 Moves

To target your back and core, we’ve got a quick back workout you can do anywhere, no equipment necessary. Complete the following circuit once, twice or three times — it's time to get your back on track.

Your No-Gym Back Workout 

[caption id="attachment_44702" align="alignnone" width="620"]Back Workout Wide Row GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

1. Wide Row

You might not have any dumbbells in your hands, but you’ll still feel the effects of this exercise in your spinal erector, the group of muscles that surrounds and stabilizes your spine
How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hinge at you hips, leaning forward until your torso is almost parallel to the floor. Your head should be in a neutral position (a). Make fists and raise your arms up to the side, squeezing your shoulder blades together once your arms get to the top (b). Repeat 20 times.

RELATED: 5 No-Equipment Back Exercises You Need in Your Life

[caption id="attachment_44703" align="alignnone" width="620"]Back Workout Overhead Press GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

2. Overhead Press

Raise the roof! This overhead press might look like a dance move but it’s especially effective in targeting your traps, which engage when you pull your shoulder blades together.
How to: Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Hinge at your hips and lean your torso forward slightly. Your weight should be in your heels so your knees should not be going over your toes (a). Squeezing down, pretend you are swimming through water if you aren’t feeling it (b). Repeat 20 times.

RELATED: 5 Easy Moves for an Awesome Arm Workout

[caption id="attachment_44704" align="alignnone" width="620"]Plank Arm Raise Back Workout GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

3. Planks with Arm Raises

Give your core and back extra attention with this twist on the standard plank, which puts your balance to the test.
How to: Start in a plank. You should be balanced on your toes with your core engaged. Shoulders should be directly over your wrists and your body should form a straight line from head to the bottom of your heels (a). Shift your weight to your right side and pick your left hand up off the ground. Lift your arm straight to the side, engaging your back and core to keep you balanced. Squeeze your shoulder blade when your arm is parallel with the round (b). Slowly bring your hand back down to the ground and repeat the move on the other side (c). Continue to alternate, performing 20 raises on each side.

RELATED: The Ab Moves You Aren't Doing (But Should!)

[caption id="attachment_44705" align="alignnone" width="620"]Back Workout Arm Swings GIF: Daily Burn 365[/caption]

4. Tick-Tock Arms

Make no mistake, this move looks easy but your back will be feeling it, we assure you. Keep your back and arms engaged throughout the move.
How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hinge at your hips and lean forward slightly with your torso. Engage your core and back so you form a straight line from the top of you head to your tailbone. Gaze downward with your eyes (a). Make fists with both hands. Tense the muscles in your arms and bring your right arm above your head and your left arm behind your bottom (b). Now, slowly switch your arms. Bring your right arm out to the side and back to your bottom while you are bringing your left arm to the side and then up. Pretend you are moving your arms through water by engaging the muscles in your back and shoulders (c). Repeat 20 times on each side.

For more no-equipment exercises, head to DailyBurn.com/365 for new workouts every day. 

Originally published October 2015. Updated November 2016. 

The post The 5-Minute, No-Equipment Back Workout appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Burn Before Bird: The Thanksgiving T.U.R.K.E.Y. Workout


T.U.R.K.E.Y. Daily Burn 365 Workout

Thanksgiving is once again here, and we’ve got a bit of a one-track mind: All things food. (Because yes, Thanksgiving is about family too, but all that stuffing, all those sides!) If you’re looking to combat that inevitable feeling of too-tight pants after sitting down for the OG of OG feasts, feast your eyes on our total-body T.U.R.K.EY. workout.

RELATED: How Much Exercise It Takes to Burn Off Thanksgiving Dinner

Burn Before Bird: The TURKEY Workout

The six-move circuit, created by Daily Burn 365 trainer Erika Shannon, will help you break a sweat in a flash. By interspersing killer toning moves with energizing cardio bursts, you’ll get a full-body burn in minutes flat. Do each move for one minute, alternating sides after 30 seconds during both the T-Tilt and Rear Lunge Rotations. Maintain proper form during the cardio moves — Uppercuts and Kickboxing — and make sure to keep your core tight during the Elbow-to-Knees.

RELATED: 3 Fat-Blasting HIIT Workouts to Try Now

Feeling extra stoked about the Thanksgiving spread — or just ready to take it up a notch? Repeat the circuit twice, or three times if you really wanna get after it. (But make sure you know your limits!) Once Turkey Day comes to a close, you’ll know the routine by heart — so get your whole family to join in on the fun. Plus, then there’s the whole leftovers thing…

Want more no-equipment exercises like these? Head to DailyBurn.com/365 to get new live workouts, daily.

Originally published November 2015. Updated November 2016.

The post Burn Before Bird: The Thanksgiving T.U.R.K.E.Y. Workout appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Get Spartan Fit with Daily Burn’s New Training Program


Daily Burn Spartan Training Program

[caption id="attachment_54641" align="alignnone" width="620"]Daily Burn Spartan Training Program Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn Spartan[/caption]

When was the last time you tried something that scared you? That challenged you physically and mentally, so you could emerge feeling stronger than ever?

That’s what the Spartan Race is all about.

But if you're familiar with the gritty courses filled with mud, hills and obstacles like the barbed wire crawl and rope climb, you know you can’t cross that finish line alone. To get you there feeling tough, capable and proud, we present: The Daily Burn Spartan training program, now available to premium Daily Burn members, and launching to all subscribers on December 26.                                                  

GET SPARTAN FIT: Sign Me Up for Daily Burn Spartan

Daily Burn Spartan: How It Makes You Stronger

We could describe what you might encounter at your first Spartan Race — but that’s almost beside the point. Being Spartan-ready means being ready for, well, just about anything.

“There’s always something new to surprise you — that’s the beauty of the sport,” says Kevin Donoghue, a Spartan elite athlete, Spartan SGX coach and head trainer for the Daily Burn Spartan program. “Even if it’s the same course, it changes from day to day.”

[caption id="attachment_54646" align="alignnone" width="620"]Daily Burn Spartan Training Program Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn Spartan[/caption]

The Daily Burn Spartan program follows suit, offering six weeks’ worth of workouts that get your body moving in new and challenging ways. Designed to help anyone improve athleticism, build fitness and enhance muscle endurance, Daily Burn Spartan gets you ready to take on life’s toughest obstacles, whether that’s on the course or not. And while the workouts are difficult enough to get you out of your comfort zone, they’re still easy to scale to your skill level.

During each workout you’ll build strength to dominate rigging obstacles (think: improving shoulder mobility and grip strength), nail a rope climb and cover carry challenges and crawling obstacles (crab walks, bear crawls and Spiderman push-ups, FTW). You’ll also work to conquer traverses and the Hercules Hoist, a core scorcher.

“These workouts are so complementary to what you would do in a Spartan race, other than actually being on the rope or swinging on the rigs,” says Donoghue. “You have days when you’re doing Tabata, when it’s forcing your heart rate up and down. And then you have a workout that’s more strength-based, with longer rest periods between exercises. You also have some that are more endurance-based that slowly gas you,” he explains. “And that’s what training for an obstacle race is really all about — having these different degrees of fitness.”

RELATED: 3 Fat-Blasting HIIT Workouts to Try Now

[caption id="attachment_54648" align="alignnone" width="620"]Daily Burn Spartan Training Program, Kevin Donoghue Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn Spartan[/caption]

Meet Your Daily Burn Spartan Trainer

An OG of Spartan finishers, Donoghue has always made fitness a priority. He grew up participating in sports and after college, played semi-pro football. When his days of throwing and tackling ended, Donoghue turned to running to stay in shape — and we’re not talking a few casual miles here and there. A testament to how he goes all-in, he signed up for ultramarathons, meaning any distance greater than a marathon and often on rugged terrain.

But Donoghue knew something was missing from those countless miles he clocked. “Running those distances and training for them gets very isolating,” he says. “It’s a very introverted sport…you’re kind of on your own most of the time. And I’m a very extroverted person.”

In 2011, Donoghue found what he was looking for when a friend introduced him to Spartan. With a race in Tuxedo, NY (not too far from his hometown), he decided to give it a shot. His reaction: love at first rope climb.

“I was 36 years old and thought, ‘Where has this been my whole life?’” says Donoghue, who has now completed more than 100 races, often placing in the top 10. “It was a complete rush of adrenaline. I’m not the fastest runner in the world; I’m certainly not the biggest or strongest. But I do have a very, very solid base of athleticism in multiple areas. I’ve always been a jack of all trades.” The sport felt like his calling.

[caption id="attachment_54639" align="alignnone" width="620"]Daily Burn Spartan Training Program Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn Spartan[/caption]

During that first race, Donoghue had to run through thorn bushes and drag crates full of rocks. Even more intense, he had to run over burning charcoal — a “human barbeque” as he calls it. (Don’t worry, that obstacle doesn’t exist anymore.) Despite the crazy course, the race combined Donoghue’s passions for adventure, athleticism and community.

“[The race] drew me to it like nothing ever had,” he says. “It had the adventure. It had the edge. It had the cardiovascular output where it forced you have to really dig down deep and find something in yourself.” Donoghue says the race also tested different areas of his fitness — endurance, agility, upper and lower body strength and the ability to think on the fly to figure out how to make it over every barrier. “But what I wasn’t expecting was the camaraderie,” he says. After that first day out in the woods, Donoghue loved how so many participants hung out in the post-race tents, swapping stories about their experiences.

TRY IT FIRST: Sign Me Up for Daily Burn Spartan

The rest, as they say, is history. “I’ve found a sport that I’m able to support myself with, make a tremendous amount of friends, and connect with people all over the country and the world,” says Donoghue, now a co-owner of Organic Fitness in Chester NY, an obstacle course training facility.

Donoghue says he still has goals to achieve in the Spartan community, too. Next year, he aims to snag a record number of podium finishes. And he wants you to join in his quest to conquer the finish line with Daily Burn Spartan.

[caption id="attachment_54650" align="alignnone" width="620"]Daily Burn Spartan Training Program Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn Spartan[/caption]

A Closer Look Inside the Program

Based on SGX, Spartan’s official training philosophy, the six-week Daily Burn Spartan program is broken down into two phases:

Phase One
Whether you’re just getting off the couch or ready to increase your speed, you’ll use these two weeks to build a solid fitness base. The workouts — scheduled three days a week — focus on muscular strength and endurance to get you ready to tackle any heavy lifting or extended cardio sessions that come your way.

Phase Two
Get ready to turn the intensity up to high volumes. This portion of the program spans four weeks, with workouts scheduled four days a week. Designed to help improve your power, you’ll add to the progress you made in the first two weeks. Your motivation: Seeing the heavier weights you can lift and how you can squash a cardio workout without huffing and puffing.

Don’t let the beast mode in both phases intimidate you. You can tone down or amp up every exercise within the program. Each move has a beginner, intermediate and advanced variation, named after different Spartan distances: Sprint (a race that covers about three miles and 20 obstacles), Super (approximately eight miles, 25 obstacles) and for the powerhouses, Beast, which typically covers more than 26 miles and 60 obstacles. Just pick the right level of fit for you.

RELATED: 9 Training Tips for Your First Obstacle Race

In addition to modifying the moves, you can also switch up the equipment (and the weight) throughout the program. You’ll use dumbbells, a plyo box, dowel and resistance band. If you’ve already signed up for an obstacle run, consider getting your hands on a sandbag or bucket to really get a feel for race day.

The best part of the program: seeing your hard work pay off along the way. Plus the hardware (and serious bragging rights!) you’ll earn at the finish line.

“Every time you face an obstacle that scares you — whether it’s in life or on the course — use it as an opportunity to literally become the best version of yourself,” Donoghue says. “It’s an opportunity for you to be courageous; it’s an opportunity for you to be brave. And that’s what grit is all about. So find some grit, dig up some courage and come be the best version of you that you can be.”

Ready to get Spartan strong? Sign up now to be one of the first to try the Daily Burn Spartan program, launching December 26. Already a Daily Burn subscriber? Simply upgrade to “Premium” for early access to Daily Burn Spartan today.

Note to reader: The content in this article relates to the core service offered by Daily Burn. In the interest of editorial disclosure and integrity, the reader should know that this site is owned and operated by Daily Burn. 

The post Get Spartan Fit with Daily Burn’s New Training Program appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Sculpt a Stronger Back With These 5 Moves


5 Back Exercises to Tone Up Fast

[caption id="attachment_54776" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Back Exercises to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

It’s easy to take for granted how much we use our back muscles every day. Whether it’s lifting bags of groceries up a flight up stairs or squatting down to pick up something off the floor, we use our backsides to carry out the most complex and simplest tasks. “The back is literally involved in every movement. Even if you aren’t doing a ‘back exercise,’ per se, the back is still anchoring and stabilizing to support all arm gestures, core exercises, balance work and leg moves,” says Cheri Paige Fogelman, a Daily Burn 365 trainer.

And can you guess how many muscles are in the human back? Approximately 140 overlapping muscles. The major muscles are divided into three groups: extrinsic, intermediate and intrinsic — most of which we're underutilizing sitting at our desks all day. What's worse: Stress and anxiety also tend to manifest as tension in our necks and back before spreading to other parts of the body. Talk about a bad chain reaction.

If you’re looking to nix back pain, improve your athletic abilities, or, we said it, look better from behind, working out your posterior is key. “A strong back enables us to better stabilize, meaning you’ll work more efficiently and get more out of moves like plank, bicep curls and even cardio moves like running or speed skating,” Fogelman says. “The back is a secret weapon for a better workout," she adds. "When I stand up tall and anchor my shoulder blades down and back during an exercise, I feel more triumphant, which boosts my self-esteem.”

These no-equipment back exercises from the trainers of Daily Burn 365 have you covered from every angle (rhomboids, lats, traps and more). Perform ‘em right and they’ll even help improve posture and range of motion, too. Don’t worry — we got your back!

RELATED: No-Equipment Back Exercises You Need in Your Life

5 Back Exercises to Tone Up Fast

Repeat the following circuit three times through, resting for one minute in between rounds. Or, mix things up by adding these moves into your usual exercise rotation.

[caption id="attachment_54766" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Back Exercises to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

1. Renegade Rows

How to: Get into a high plank position with your hands shoulder-distance apart, shoulders stacked above wrists (a). Keeping hips square and core engaged, lift your right hand off the ground. Your right elbow should be tucked close to your rib cage (b). Bring your right arm back to the starting position and repeat with your left arm (c). Do 10-12 reps on each side (d).
Pro tip: Repeat after us: Light as a feather, stiff as a board. Make sure to keep your hips stable and avoid shrugging your shoulders or moving your body to the side as you perform the row.

[caption id="attachment_54767" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Back Exercises to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

2. Bent-Over Reverse Flys

How to: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, and hinge forward at the hips. Arms should be at your sides, palms in, gaze forward (a). Engaging your back and shoulder muscles and keeping our chest up, raise your arms to form a “T” (parallel to the floor), with your elbows slightly bent. Be sure to squeeze your shoulder blades to fully engage the muscles (b). Bring your arms back down to the starting position (c). Repeat for 15 reps.
Pro tip: Think about pinching the shoulder blades together with each rep, while maintaining a long spine. Once you’ve nailed down the movement and can do the reps fairly effortlessly, grab a dumbbell in each hand.

[caption id="attachment_54768" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Back Exercises to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

3. Scapular Push-Ups

How to: Get into a high plank with your hands shoulder-distance apart. Keep your body in a straight line with your head in a neutral position (a). Imagining that there’s something in between your shoulders on your upper back, pinch your shoulder blades, as you slowly lower your body halfway down the floor (b). Raise your body back up to the starting position (c). Repeat for 8-10 reps.
Pro tip: If holding your high plank is too challenging, do a modified standing version by placing your hands flat on a wall in front of you, and walking your feet out to your comfort zone. (The further from the wall, the harder it will be.)

RELATED: The 5-Minute, No-Equipment Back Workout

[caption id="attachment_54769" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Back Exercises to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

4. Supermans

How to: Lie face down on an exercise mat with your toes pointed down and your forehead on the floor. Keep your gaze in a neutral position (a). Bring your arms straight out in front of you with your palms on the floor (b). Engaging your back, glutes and hamstrings, lift your hands and feet a few inches off the ground (c). Repeat for ten reps, holding for three seconds each time.
Pro tip: As you lift your arms and legs off of the floor, be sure to pull your shoulders down and back (our tendency is to scrunch them up to our ears). Inhale as you lift your body and exhale as you lower it.

[caption id="attachment_54770" align="alignnone" width="620"]5 Back Exercises to Tone Up Fast Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

5. Swimmers

How to: Again starting face-down on your exercise mat, reach your arms out in front of you with your palms on the floor (a). Engaging your back, abs and glutes, lift your right arm and left leg off the ground at the same time, then lower them and lift your left arm and right leg (b). This is one rep. Continue alternating for 12-15 reps.
Pro tip: Just like a swimmer in the pool, make your movements precise and efficient by keeping your neck and spine long, shoulders down. To help you use your breath efficiently throughout this exercise, inhale for three counts and exhale for another three counts.

The post Sculpt a Stronger Back With These 5 Moves appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

How to Master the Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose


How to Master the Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose

With the New Year upon us, it's the perfect opportunity to learn a challenging yoga pose that tests the limits of your athletic abilities. Filled with binds, twists and major body extensions, the Bird of Paradise is a special pose that mimics the hatching of a bird, hence its name. On a deeper level, though, the Bird of Paradise represents renewal and strength. And no better time than 2017 to come back stronger than ever, right?

But like a young chick in an egg, you don’t get to paradise in one shot. Allow Gina Turner, yoga instructor and DJ, to break down the challenging asana for us on the set of Daily Burn 365.

RELATED: Crow Pose, Made Easy: 3 Steps to Pull It Off

7 Steps to the Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose

1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

As the foundation for the Bird of Paradise, Tadasana encourages you to become aware of your breath and posture. But it can also test your focus and ability to stay present. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and keep your hands at your sides, palms facing forward. Take a few inhales and exhales to draw attention to your breath. Don’t round your spine; stand upright with your shoulders back.

2. Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

The forward fold is a great metaphor for reflecting and turning inward. As you stretch your hamstrings and inner thighs, this pose will help you wake up your joints and loosen your upper body for the side angle poses and binds. Keeping your legs straight, extend your torso forward and reach for your toes or the floor. If you can’t reach them, hold opposite elbows with your hands and just let your neck and head hang.

3. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Triangle pose is one of the major progressions of Bird of Paradise because it prepares you for the binds with a deep side stretch and conditions your body for practicing balance. It also helps up warm up the muscles in your thighs, knees and ankles. If it’s difficult to touch your ankles on the side bend, grab your shin or calf instead.

RELATED: 5 Yoga-Inspired Shoulder Openers

4. Bound Triangle Pose (Baddha Trikonasana)

This pose comes with a special twist: Binding your arms around your front thigh. Because it can be hard to completely wrap your arms, start slow by reaching your arm over your lower back to help open up the shoulders and improve your range of motion. You might think, “What is the purpose of doing a bind?” In this case, it forces you to stay present when holding a pose.

5. Squat Hold with Pointed Toe

Squatting helps you learn how to rely on your arms to provide balance. In this challenging variation, it’s best to open up your shoulders and chest as much as you can to create stability in your upper body. To hold the squat, engage your glutes and slowly sit your hips back and down. Focus on a spot on the floor to help you concentrate.

RELATED: Why Range of Motion Matters for Your Strength Training Goals

6. Bird of Paradise with a Bent Leg (Svarga Dvidasana I)

During this stage of Bird of Paradise, you’ll want to make sure your supporting foot is deeply rooted to provide stability. Spread out your toes on the floor and engage your ankle muscles to keep you grounded.

7. Bird of Paradise with Full Leg Extension (Svarga Dvidasana II)

In this final stage, your chest and lower body are fully blossomed. Keep your lifted leg straight and behind your shoulder to help open up your chest. Your supporting foot should be facing forward, and your hamstrings on your extended leg are engaged to help you feel a deep stretch. Be sure to breathe as you hold this pose for at least three counts.

Learn more beginner yoga poses every day on Daily Burn 365. Sign up for a free 30-day trial now!

The post How to Master the Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Jumpstart the New Year: Join Our 31-Day Challenge


Good Housekeeping x Daily Burn 31-Day Challenge

Jumpstart the New Year: Join the 31-Day Challenge

Did you resolve to become more active in 2017? We’ve got a fitness challenge for you! Starting January 1, join Daily Burn and our friends at Good Housekeeping magazine for a 31-Day Challenge. For each day of the month, you’ll get a brand new workout from Daily Burn’s top fitness trainers. From yoga and Pilates to cardio drills and kickboxing, you’ll sweat and tone to a variety of strength training and high-intensity workouts throughout the week.

Plus, it’s OK if you’re new to working out — all levels of fitness are welcome. Whether you need a primer on planks, want some guidance on glute strengthening moves, or feel like cutting loose for some calorie-burning dance moves (we promise we won’t judge!), you’ll never be bored with our diverse array of workouts. The bonus is you’ll have access to our inspiring and dedicated community of fitness coaches, nutritionists and people just like you.

RELATED: 7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Daily Burn 365

Jumpstart Your Fitness: The 31-Day Challenge

Beyond upping your fitness and scoring a renewed sense of self-confidence, you’ll also get the chance to win a free virtual personal training session with one of our Daily Burn 365 trainers and a nutrition consultation with Good Housekeeping’s nutrition director, Jaclyn London, MS, RD. Three winners will be randomly selected from the pool of eligible participants.

So how can you get in on the fun? If you’re not a Daily Burn member yet, get ahead of the pack by signing up today. You’ll then get access to the 31-Day Challenge, including the daily workouts and community (aka your cheer squad). To play along: Post a sweaty selfie on the Community page with your computer screen in the background showing the workout of the day. Note that the workouts don’t need to be completed in order, but doing all of them and posting a photo of each workout is a must if you want to be eligible to win the prize!

RELATED: How Daily Burn Got Me Through a Weight Loss Plateau

Even better: As a Daily Burn member, you’ll not only get to participate in our 31-Day Challenge, but you’ll also have access to more than 600 workouts from our 20 programs, including Daily Burn 365, Black Fire, Cardio Sculpt and our newest addition — Spartan. The Daily Burn x Good Housekeeping Challenge starts January 1, 2017. See you there!

Get a head start on your 2017 goals by joining the Daily Burn x Good Housekeeping 31-Day Challenge now!

The post Jumpstart the New Year: Join Our 31-Day Challenge appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Daily Burn 365: New Workouts, Live from 24 Hour Fitness


Daily Burn 365: New Workouts, Live from 24 Hour Fitness Soho

[caption id="attachment_55259" align="alignnone" width="620"]Daily Burn 365: New Workouts, Live from 24 Hour Fitness Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

January is in full force, but if your new fitness routine is already lagging, it’s time to step up the fun. Whether you’re brand new to Daily Burn or one of our longtime fit friends, we’ve got a few new tricks up our sleeve we think you’ll love.

First, there’s Daily Burn 365, which features brand new, live 30-minute workouts at 9 a.m. ET every day. You’ll sweat alongside your favorite #DB365 trainers, plus a few new faces (CeCe, we’re already hooked on those jab-cross-kick combos!).

[caption id="attachment_55260" align="alignnone" width="620"]Daily Burn 365: New Workouts, Streaming from 24 Hour Fitness Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

And then there’s the space… If things feel a whole lot fancier, you’re not wrong. Each morning workout is now coming to you live from our swanky new home: 24 Hour Fitness in SoHo, New York City. With big city views, bright light fixtures and a warm and welcoming ambience, our new 24 Hour Fitness studio will energize you day in and day out (if our charming class participants, all-star guests and incredible trainers aren’t enough to woo you to the screen).

RELATED: Get Spartan Fit with Daily Burn’s New Training Program

And hey, we know human interaction is one of many reasons people enjoy group fitness and hitting the gym. That’s why you’ll love Daily Burn’s inspiring community of nutritionists, fitness coaches and people just like you — all at your fingertips. Just when you feel like giving up, know that the Daily Burn team is there — holding planks and dropping squats right along with you.

Ready to join our tribe?

Head to DailyBurn.com/365 to get your first 30 days of workouts FREE.

The post Daily Burn 365: New Workouts, Live from 24 Hour Fitness appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

The Wake-Up Call That Finally Motivated Me to Lose Weight



[caption id="attachment_55273" align="aligncenter" width="620"]The Wake-Up Call That Finally Motivated Me to Lose Weight Photo: Twenty20[/caption]

Even if you know that losing weight works best when you adopt small, attainable changes, taking that first step toward improved well-being is tough. So tough, in fact, that many men and women need an “ah ha” moment — an experience that makes them realize they don’t just want a lifestyle makeover, they need one.

Whether you have been trying to drop pounds for years or told yourself you’d start fresh in the new year, it’s possible your wake-up call is now. Just remember that not everyone needs a difficult experience to force them to finally slim down. The journey is a personal one — and one that takes patience and persistence every day. If you need an extra push to make 2017 your healthiest, happiest yet, channel the dedication of these ladies and gents.

RELATED: 7 Weight Loss Tips When the Scale Won’t Budge

8 Weight Loss Wake-Up Calls to Help You Commit to Fit

Kristen Bloom's Wake-Up Call

1. When the thought of future health problems sets in…

At the age of 32, Kristen Bloom spent a week in the hospital after undergoing surgery for appendicitis. Weighing 204 pounds at 5’1”, she realized she never wanted to have to go to the hospital again. “I said, ‘OK, this is such a miserable experience. Even though [appendicitis] isn’t a weight-related issue, someday there will be one,’” she told Daily Burn.

While she recovered, Bloom researched how to get healthy. She decided to dedicate half of her hour-long lunch break to walking, five days a week. “I remember that first 30-minute walk, my calves were burning, I was breathing heavy and I was sweating like crazy,” she says. But she stuck with it for a whole month, and “after 30 days it was like, ‘I can do this.’” All it took was a new perspective on life — and a few small steps toward a better, healthier future.

RELATED: The Big Benefits of Losing Just a Little Bit of Weight


2. When everyday tasks become a burden…

Alicia Taylor tried several restrictive diets when she first set out to slim down. She’d limit her calories or carbs and took pills in an attempt to accelerate fat loss. And whenever she tried to launch a regular exercise routine, she’d abandon it a few weeks later. Then, one day — weighing 158 pounds at 4’10” — she could no longer put on her shoes. “I couldn’t do a lot of daily things…I felt like I was 90,” Taylor says. That’s when she signed up for Daily Burn’s True Beginner program. And she hasn’t stopped exercising and trying new programs since. “I started feeling much younger and energetic,” she says.

When the scale plateaued after 12 weeks, Taylor started making some diet changes, too. She quit dining out and started meal planning. Now, after losing more than 50 pounds, it’s no longer about the scale number, but how great she feels. “I feel like doing things...like going outside. I have the energy to actually get up and take care of my home,” she says. Daily habits, now made easy.

Katarina Herrera's Wake-Up Call

3. In memory of a loved one…

After years of struggling with disordered eating throughout her teens, Katarina Herrera got pregnant at 19 and couldn’t shake the post-baby weight. Nor could she stop her habit of frequently eating burgers, barbeque and fast food. Then her grandmother passed away and she got a major wake-up call. “I kept the clothes she bought me because I wanted to hold on to them, but they didn’t fit,” Herrera says. That’s when she knew it was time to get healthy — for her son, too.

Herrera signed up for Daily Burn and committed to regular workouts. She also made a few solid food swaps like having baked chicken and veggies instead of breaded chicken and mashed potatoes. A little over a year after maintaining a regular workout routine, Herrera reached a lean 114 pounds, down from her heaviest weight of 185. Now, she not only fits into a smaller size, she’s also happy with how her body looks. “I’m very proud of my thighs and my legs in general,” Herrera told Daily Burn, noting she loves how toned her muscles look when she walks or does squats at the gym. Talk about a confidence boost.

DailyBurn Success Stories: Sean McKinley

4. Doing it for the kids…

Running around with kids should feel like a fun, care-free activity, right? Not for Sean McKinley, who had a health revelation when he was playing with his four-year-old daughter. “We were running outside trying to fly a kite and I realized I couldn’t run around very well,” says McKinley. “Just realizing I had gotten to the point that I couldn’t run with my daughter anymore was a wake-up call.”

Starting his weight loss journey at 320 pounds, McKinley kicked off a slim-down plan by signing up for Daily Burn’s True Beginner program. He had to modify most of the movements, using a towel for stretching and a chair for balance. But that didn’t matter — he was just proud he finished a workout. He also added more fruits and veggies to his meals, subbing them in for larger portions of steak and processed foods. Fifteen months later and 100 pounds lighter, he can keep up with his kids again.

RELATED: 5 Workout Modifications to Go Easy on Your Knees

Dina Shingleton Weight Loss Success Story

5. When walking becomes a pain, literally…

Dina Shingleton used to skip breakfast almost every day, only to eat a bagel and popcorn for lunch and devour large dinners later. As her weight crept up to 188 pounds on her 5’3” frame, she began feeling pain whenever she stood up. “…I was having a year-and-a-half long bout of plantar fasciitis in the bottom of both of my feet,” she says. “It was miserable, every time I would get up, I was hobbling.” To avoid the dread of simply taking steps, she decided it was time to take control of her body.

A former fad dieter, Shingleton started focusing on clean eating instead of attempting to restrict certain foods. She quickly shed 10 pounds. Then, she signed up for Daily Burn and continued to progress through each program, upping the difficulty each time. She loved seeing each workout get easier as she moved more. Now that she’s put in the hard work to shed 30 pounds, there’s no turning back.

DailyBurn Success Story: Randi

6. When a picture’s worth a thousand words…

Overweight for most of her childhood, Randi Fields bought her first diet book when she was just 13 years old. But it didn’t produce the results she was hoping for. Fast-forward through high school, and Fields graduated weighing 250 pounds. It wasn’t until she saw a photo of herself, on a cruise months later, that she finally felt compelled to develop a weight loss strategy.

An ad for Daily Burn convinced her to sign up and despite feeling sore after her first workout, she kept pushing forward. She also started a food journal and began cooking more. Eventually, Fields signed up for a half-marathon — and scored seventh place. Besides gaining a toned physique from her efforts, her mood also improved. “My mental and emotional state has changed so much. I was always angry. Little dumb things would make me mad. I was tired, I was blah,” Fields recalls. “But as I progressed, I was happier and had a pep in my step.”

RELATED: 12 Things Nobody Told Me About Losing Weight

DailyBurn Weight Loss Success Stories: Alex Clary

7. When the doctor calls…

Nothing says “make a change” quite like a scary doctor’s visit. And that’s exactly what forced Alex Clary to get in shape. A few routine tests revealed he had “through the roof” blood pressure and “out of control” cholesterol. Despite taking medication, he realized he needed to move a lot more and eat better. He didn’t know where to start — until he saw a commercial for Daily Burn. After signing up, Clary found out he couldn’t shed pounds without ditching huge portion sizes. Soon, he started seeing the scale number decrease, which only motivated him to keep going.

Clary went back to the doctor in the summer of 2014, after starting Daily Burn in January. The doctor said, “I don’t even recognize you,” Clary recalls. His health had markedly improved. By March 2015, Clary had lost 75 pounds.

Stacy Cole Daily Burn Success Story

8. A trip of a lifetime…

It may sound cliché but it’s true: Slipping into a bikini can provide some serious weight loss motivation. For Stacy Cole, it was wearing a swimsuit for her 10th wedding anniversary celebration in the Caribbean that convinced her to take care of her health. And the simple changes she made stuck.

Cole had previously thought her weekly mile-long jogs and occasional lunchtime walks and kickball games were enough to keep her fit, but she quickly realized she needed to step up her fitness game. Daily Burn fit the bill. She loved being able to follow the trainers on screen and experienced promising results. As for her diet, the changes were all about attitude. “…I’m not calling it ‘a diet,’” Cole told Daily Burn. “As soon as you do, that’s when you fail. If I cheat, I feel guilty, then I’ve failed…and I’m not gonna do that anymore.” She made simple food swaps, like having a veggie omelet instead of sausage for breakfast, and an apple or green beans for snacks instead of chips.

Well into her weight-loss journey, Cole found out her parents had diabetes. That’s when she knew she made the right decision to get healthy. “Yeah, of course I wanted to look cute in a swimsuit,” she says. “But there’s so much more to this whole process. You don’t even realize it.”'

RELATED: 12 Non-Scale Ways to Measure Weight Loss Success

Note to reader: The content in this article relates to the core service offered by Daily Burn. In the interest of editorial disclosure and integrity, the reader should know that this site is owned and operated by Daily Burn. Daily Burn users who worked out for 30 minutes or more at least five times a week for 60 to 90 days reported an average weight loss of about one pound per week. For those seeking to lose weight, keep in mind that extreme weight loss can be harmful to your health if done improperly or too suddenly. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise or weight loss program.

The post The Wake-Up Call That Finally Motivated Me to Lose Weight appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

Burn Fat, Build Muscle: 3 Killer Circuit Training Workouts


Burn Fat, Build Muscle: 3 Killer Circuit Training Workouts

[caption id="attachment_45118" align="alignnone" width="620"]Burn Fat, Build Muscle: 3 Killer Circuit Training Workouts Photo: Pond5[/caption]

There’s nothing like a rainy, cold or snowy day to take the wind right out of your well-intentioned workout plans. But before you scrap your sweat session and curl up with some hot chocolate, consider the fact that you could squeeze in an entire workout without straying too far from your couch.

These three circuit workouts from Daily Burn 365 will help you fit in a workout anytime, anywhere — no equipment required. Whether you’ve got 10, 15 or 20 minutes, each series of moves is guaranteed to get your heart pumping and your legs burning. Want a more intense challenge? Combine the circuits together, or do an extra round of reps.

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Before you get started, do this dynamic warm-up to help you get your body primed to move. Then: Ready, set, sweat!

3 Short and Sweet Circuit Training Workouts

[caption id="attachment_55394" align="alignnone" width="620"]Burn Fat, Build Muscle: 3 Killer Circuit Training Workouts Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

Quick Tips:

Reverse tabletop leg lifts: Sit on the ground with feet planted hips-width distance apart, hands behind you with fingers pointing towards your toes. Lift your butt off the floor coming into a “tabletop” position. Lift right leg off the ground, then left.

Plié squat: Stand with feet wider than hips-width distance apart, toes pointed slightly out. Lower into a squat.

Squat with alternating heel raise: At the bottom of your squat, raise your right heel, then left heel. Repeat.

Side plank clamshell: Get into a side plank, knees on the floor. With heels glued together, lift top knee, rotating leg open, then bring it back down again. Repeat on the opposite side.

RELATED: 275 Exercises to Shake Up Your Workout Routine

[caption id="attachment_55395" align="alignnone" width="620"]Burn Fat, Build Muscle: 3 Killer Circuit Training Workouts Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

Quick Tips:

Ski jumps: Stand with feet shoulder width-apart. Hop to the right, bringing your left leg behind your right, then hop to the left and bring your right leg behind your left. Move arms forward and back as you jump to gain momentum.

Squat to press: While holding a squat, position arms like a goalpost, elbows bent to 90-degrees. Press arms straight up, then bend them back to 90-degrees. Hold your squat for the duration of the exercise.

Skip jacks: Skip forward, leading with your right leg, then perform two jumping jacks. Skip forward, leading with your left leg, then perform two jumping jacks. Repeat.

RELATED: Hate Burpees? We've Got the Variation for You

[caption id="attachment_55406" align="alignnone" width="620"]Burn Fat, Build Muscle: 3 Killer Circuit Training Workouts Photo: Ryan Kelly / Daily Burn 365[/caption]

Quick Tips: 

Knee-lift to squat: Perform a squat, then lift your right knee up towards your chest as you stand. Repeat with opposite leg.

Squat punches: Perform a squat, punching upwards to the right as you come to standing, then downwards to the right as you squat. Squat again, repeating punches on the opposite side.

Shuffle hop: Shuffle two steps to your right, then jump into the air. Repeat on opposite side.

Touchdown jacks: Start with legs together, then jump them apart, reaching down to touch the ground in between your feet. Repeat.

Surfer burpees: Place your hands on the ground and walk legs out into a plank position. Walk feet back up to hands, then hop your right leg forward into “surfer” position. Repeat, alternating sides.

Want more no-equipment exercises like these? Head to DailyBurn.com/365 to get new live workouts, daily.

Originally posted November 2015. Updated January 2017. 

The post Burn Fat, Build Muscle: 3 Killer Circuit Training Workouts appeared first on Life by Daily Burn.

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